Craft complex org charts, precise results

Get inspired by rich templates
Speed up organizing your workplace relationships with Edraw.AI’s ready-made templates. Explore a wide selection of professionally designed NGOs, companies, and project management teams' org charts to find the best fit for your needs. Turn your data into clear, and structured org charts in minutes.
edrawai template collection
User-friendly interface for org charts
Edraw.AI’s intuitive interface helps you create org charts with preset structures and accessible toolkits. This way, you can quickly generate organizational charts without any technical expertise. Still confused? Access user guides from our official website whenever stuck.
edrawai user interface
AI-powered insights for optimized org charts
Identify inefficiencies and optimize your organizational structures with Edraw.AI’s intelligent org chart analysis. This feature allows you to analyze relationships, roles, and hierarchies to make informed decisions and streamline workflows effectively.
edrawai org chart analysis
Flexible export options for seamless integration
Experience maximum cross-platform support with Edraw.AI’s multiple export formats, like PDF, PNG, Word, Excel, etc. This flexibility ensures that you can easily save and share your organizational charts across platforms and integrate them into reports or presentations with ease.
platforms supported by edrawai
Instant sharing for enhanced collaboration
Edraw.AI makes sharing organizational charts simple with direct links, cloud storage, or embedded links. This option promotes collaboration across teams, making it easy to distribute charts and gather feedback.
platforms supported by edrawai

Ideal tool for collaboration

Efficiency Boost
With multi-device support and access on the cloud, team members can access and edit files anytime, reducing repetitive tasks and significantly improving efficiency.
All-in-one Solution
Edraw.AI supports over 210 drawing types, from mind maps to flowcharts. This extensive range allows teams to create diverse visual content within a single platform.
Enhanced Communication
Visual diagrams simplify complex ideas, improving communication within teams and with external partners, making discussions and decision-making more efficient and clear.
Seamless Collaboration
It allows team members to co-edit and share diagrams in real-time, ensuring smooth workflow without the need for constant tool switching or delays.

Org chart templates on Edraw.AI

Time Org Chart
Organizational Chart
Company Org Chart
Hospital Org Chart
Human Body Org Chart
Company Management Org

FAQs about org chart maker

  • An organizational chart is a visual illustration of an organization’s internal structure. It outlines the roles, responsibilities, and relationships between the employees in a clear and structured way.
  • Absolutely! Edraw.AI offers a wide range of customization options, including changing shapes, colors, and styles. You can also adjust the layout and structure to fit your specific organizational needs.
  • Yes, the AI analysis feature helps identify flaws in your org chart, allowing you to optimize relationships and roles within the structure for better workflow management.
  • Edraw.AI supports multiple export formats such as PDF, PNG, Excel, and HTML, making it easy to integrate your organizational chart into other documents, presentations, or websites.
  • Yes indeed! Edraw.AI allows you to add employee images to your org chart. You can easily insert photos of each individual to make your organizational charts even more immersive.
  • Edraw.AI offers a free plan that allows users to explore its features and capabilities before committing to a subscription plan. Visit our pricing page to learn more about subscription plans.
  • Edraw.AI enables real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to work on the same diagram simultaneously. You can leave comments, track changes, and update charts in real-time with your team.
  • Yes, Edraw.AI’s online version can be easily accessed on mobile phones as well. All you need is a working internet and a Wondershare account to get started on our org chart maker.

Empowering visual creativity with AI
and templates.