Create with Your free blueprint maker

Wide range of templates
Explore a diverse range of templates designed to meet every blueprint need. From architectural plans to simple layouts, our free blueprint maker offers a variety of options to streamline your workflow and help you focus on creativity.
template selection
Precision tools for accurate blueprints
Precision is important, and you don't need old tools anymore. Our software allows you to adjust every detail such as lines, angles, and shapes—for exact accuracy. This ensures your blueprints meet your needs perfectly.
precision tools edrawai
User-friendly toolkit
Experience the future of design with our easy blueprint maker. Designed for simplicity, our toolkits provide all the necessary design features and vector symbols to make the blueprint creation process smooth and easy, even for newbies.
customization interface of edrawai
Rich library of symbols has a huge collection of symbols to help you create precise blueprints. Find symbols for your project, drag and drop them to create professional, industry-standard blueprints with ease. You may also create a personal symbol library for easy access to frequently-used symbols.
symbol library edrawai
Easy sharing options
Share your blueprints with everyone. Save and export your designs in multiple formats like PDF, PPT, or SVG. This makes it easy to share your designs with clients or team members for successful collaboration.
 formats supported by edrawai

Ideal tool for collaboration

Efficiency Boost
With multi-device support and access on the cloud, team members can access and edit files anytime, reducing repetitive tasks and significantly improving efficiency.
All-in-one Solution
Edraw.AI supports over 210 drawing types, from mind maps to flowcharts. This extensive range allows teams to create diverse visual content within a single platform.
Enhanced Communication
Visual diagrams simplify complex ideas, improving communication within teams and with external partners, making discussions and decision-making more efficient and clear.
Seamless Collaboration
It allows team members to co-edit and share diagrams in real-time, ensuring smooth workflow without the need for constant tool switching or delays.

Blueprints templates on

Funland Service Blueprint
Travel Service Blueprint
Research Service Blueprint
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