Visualize your ideal space with a few clicks!

Professional templates for all
Save effort and say goodbye to starting from scratch! Edraw.AI features thousands of floor plan samples, from residential projects to safety plans, and commercial sites. Get creative inspiration from these examples or quick-start your design journey by modifying one that fits your task.
edrawai template collectio
Scale your property plans in minutes!
Our floor plan software has built-in scale tools to ensure accuracy. With this, you are free to adjust the measurement unit, precision, and drawing scale. Or, import already-scaled interior elements from the symbol library and add them to your designs.
precision tools edrawai
Get creative inspiration with AI
Edraw.AI has several features to turn your ideas into reality like an integrated chatbot for you to get unique makeover ideas. You may also use its AI drawing feature to let the software do its magic. Just take a picture of your room and generate multiple designs to see what works best.
intelligent drawing edrawai
No skills needed!
With our floor plan maker, you do not have to be a pro. Its intuitive interface and resizable vector symbols offer a quick start for beginners. Whether it is dimensions, furnishings, or wall structure, plotting everything is a matter of simple drag-and-drop.
symbol library edrawai
Several export formats support
No more format conflicts with Edraw.AI. It features wide compatibility with popular export formats like PNG, JPG, SVG, PPT, and Word. Not only this, but it also gives the option to encrypt your work using passwords and restrict its reach to keep confidentiality intact.
 formats supported by edrawai

Ideal tool for collaboration

Efficiency Boost
With multi-device support and access on the cloud, team members can access and edit files anytime, reducing repetitive tasks and significantly improving efficiency.
All-in-one Solution
Edraw.AI supports over 210 drawing types, from mind maps to flowcharts. This extensive range allows teams to create diverse visual content within a single platform.
Enhanced Communication
Visual diagrams simplify complex ideas, improving communication within teams and with external partners, making discussions and decision-making more efficient and clear.
Seamless Collaboration
It allows team members to co-edit and share diagrams in real-time, ensuring smooth workflow without the need for constant tool switching or delays.

Floor plan templates on Edraw.AI

Office Floor Plan
Floor Plan
Business Office Floor Plan

Empowering visual creativity with AI
and templates.