Edraw.AI User Guides

Insert LaTeX Formulas in a Mind Map

Edraw.AI allows you to insert LaTeX formulas into your projects, enabling you to include complex mathematical equations and scientific notations directly within your diagrams. It’s particularly useful for academic, scientific, or technical projects that need precise mathematical expressions. Here’s how to insert LaTeX formulas in Edraw.AI:

Follow these steps to insert a LaTeX formula using the LaTeX feature

Step ❶

Select the topic where you want to insert a LaTeX formula. Then, click Insert > LaTeX in the top panel.

latex button

Step ❷

In the dialogue box, enter your LaTeX code into the provided input field. Customize it using various colors. Click Apply to Topic to insert the formula into the selected topic.

latex dialogue box
LaTeX formulas in Edraw.AI allow you to seamlessly integrate complex mathematical expressions into your diagrams, making it a versatile tool for education, research, and technical documentation.