Edraw.AI User Guides

Create a Funnel Chart With AI Diagram

A funnel chart is a type of data visualization that resembles the shape of a funnel. It's often used to represent stages in a process, such as a sales funnel or a recruitment pipeline. Follow this guide to use the AI tool in Edraw.AI and generate a funnel chart diagram from a text prompt:

Step ❶

Go to AI Tools on the left-side navigation pane of the main dashboard, then select AI Diagram from the Show All dropdown menu.

ai tools on the main dashboard
Ai tools on the main dashboard

Step ❷

Find and select the Funnel Chart diagram type using the navigation arrows.

select funnel chart ai diagram type
Select funnel chart ai diagram type

Step ❸

Enter a new text prompt, then click Start to generate a funnel chart diagram using AI.

prompt create funnel chart ai diagram
Prompt create funnel chart ai diagram
There are examples you can use in the Sample Prompts section, or you can click Shuffle for more examples.

Step ❹

From the right side of the Diagram Generator, you will see a preview of the AI-generated funnel chart diagram. Click Edit in Canvas to open it on a new tab.

ai generated funnel chart diagram preview
Ai generated funnel chart diagram preview

Step ❺

To change the content of the funnel chart, double-click on it. Then, click the Edit Data icon on the Apache Echarts pop-up window. Enter the text and values on the Edit Data pop-up window.

edit data funnel chart ai diagram
Edit data funnel chart ai diagram