Edraw.AI User Guides

Analyze TXT Files Using AI File Analysis

Edraw.AI simplifies turning plain text (TXT) files into mind maps. You can organize your information into an editable format using AI Analysis. Follow the steps:

Step ❶

Start by launching Edraw.AI. Log in or register a Wondershare account. Once logged in, go to AI Tools > AI File Analysis from the main menu.

edraw.ai main menu

Step ❷

Upload your TXT file for analysis.

uploading txt file interface

Step ❸

Wait for the AI to finish the analysis. Once done, you can Return, Download, or Copy the content. Alternatively, convert it into a mind map by clicking the Conver to Mind map button.

converting txt file to mind map

Step ❹

Add visuals, change the Branch and Connector themes, or organize the text. Use the top toolbar and the right panel to personalize the mind map. Once satisfied, save and share your work.

txt file turned to mind map
Tips When Analyzing TXT Files:
Follow these tips to ensure your mind maps are perfect:
  • Organize content in sections: If your TXT file contains separate topics or sections, the AI can arrange the content for you.
  • Add visual elements: Enhance the converted content with icons, images, and other visual aids to create a more dynamic mind map.