Edraw.AI User Guides

Customize Connector Style in Mind Maps

A well-organized mind map provides a hierarchy and information flow through connectors or branches. It can depict the relative relationships—such as cause-and-effect, succession, association, or comparison—between concepts.

With the many connector adjustment options available in Edraw.AI, you can easily construct a mind map that effectively communicates your message. Find the connection style that improves your diagrams by following this easy-to-follow tutorial.

Step ❶ : Choose the objects you wish to change, either just a piece of it or the entire mind map (Ctrl + A to pick the whole mind map)..

mind map select object

Step ❷: Open the right panel and navigate to the Style tab. Scroll to the bottom to access the Branch section.

mind map branch section

Step ❸: To change your mind map’s Connector Style, click the dropdown arrow beside it. Hover over one of the options available to preview how the connector style will look on your mind map.

 mind map connector style preview

Step ❹: Once decided, click the Connector Style you have chosen.