Edraw.AI User Guides

Export a Diagram

Edraw.AI lets you export your diagrams in a variety of formats, including images, PDFs, and editable MS Office documents. It allows you to easily share your work with anyone, regardless of their software or device. You can even export specific pages or shapes and customize export quality and watermarks for maximum control.

Step ❶

Export an Edraw.AI diagram file in two ways:

  • Click Export on the upper-right navigation pane of the editing canvas. Then, select your preferred file type.
export diagram
Select File Type from the Upper-Right Menu
  • Click the Menu icon in the upper-left navigation panel to show more options. Next, choose File > Export, then select the file format you want for the diagram.
supported file formats for export
Access File Options via the Menu button

Step ❷

Depending on the file format you choose, adjust the export settings in the Export to Image pop-up window.

export settings pop-up window
Adjust Settings in the 'Export to Image' Window

Step ❸

Once done, click Export to download the diagram to your local storage.