Edraw.AI User Guides

Insert Pexels Images in Mind Maps

Edraw.AI integrates with Pexels, allowing you to easily add high-quality, royalty-free images to your projects or canvas. This feature helps you enhance the visual appeal of your work without leaving the platform. Here are 2 methods on how to add Pexels images to your projects:

Method 1: Drag and Drop Pexels Images

Here are the steps to drag and drop Pexels images to your projects:

Step ❶

Open your project and choose Edraw Tool Box.

edraw tool box button

Step ❷

Search for an image using the Pexels panel. Drag the selected image directly onto your canvas. Arrange the image on your desired topic, subtopic, or blank space on the canvas.

pexels image dragged to canvas

Method 2: Search and Insert Pexels Images

Another way to add Pexels images to your canvas is to manually insert them. Follow the steps:

Step ❶

Open your project and click on Insert > Image.

insert image button

Step ❷

On the Insert Picture dialogue box, click Free HD Photo Gallery to access Pexels images. Search for your desired image and add it to the canvas.

pexels button photo gallery
Pexels images can be resized and repositioned just like any other image in Edraw.AI. This seamless integration with Pexels makes it easy to find and use professional images, enhancing your projects with minimal effort.