Edraw.AI User Guides

Insert Pictures in a Mind Map

Edraw.AI allows you to enhance your projects by inserting pictures. You can add various image formats to improve the visual appeal of your creations. Here’s how you can do it:

Step ❶

Select the topic where you want to insert a picture. Then, click Insert > Image at the top panel.

insert image button

Step ❷

In the Insert Picture dialogue box, choose Add a local image. Find the image you want saved on your computer and insert it.

  • Article Generation
  • Weekly report generation
  • Translation
  • Copywriting
  • Simplified copywriting
  • Free chat
adding image to canvass

Step ❷B (Optional)

Alternatively, click Free HD Photo Gallery to access free pictures from Pexels to integrate into your projects.

If no topic is selected, the inserted picture will automatically become a floating topic.