Edraw.AI User Guides

Insert Tags in Mind Maps

Tags in Edraw.AI are a versatile tool that adds extra context to your projects or canvas. It can include keywords, labels, dates, people, locations, or brief descriptions that help categorize and better organize your content. Tags enhances the ability to search, filter, and group similar topics, allowing you to quickly identify key themes and connections within your project.

To add more context and organization to your projects, here’s how to generate and manage tags in Edraw.AI:

Step ❶

Select the topic you want to label or tag. Next, click Insert > Tag from the top panel. Alternatively, press Ctrl + G as a shortcut.

insert tag button

Step ❷

In the Tag Group dialogue box, enter your desired tags into the text input field. Press Enter after each tag to create new ones.

tags added

Step ❸

To view the Tags you created, go to Edraw Tool Box from the top-right panel and choose Tag management.

tag management button

Step ❹

Add more tags from Tag Group depending on your preferences. To remove a Tag, simply click the X button at the top of the tag.

adding and removing tags
Tags are especially useful when organizing larger projects, allowing you to quickly locate and connect related topics. They also enhance filtering and searching, making your canvas more intuitive and easier to navigate.