Edraw.AI User Guides

Manage Data of a Diagram

Edraw.AI offers a data property feature for shapes. It lets you attach specific information like dates, times, durations, currency, Boolean values, and more to the shapes. This helps to keep your diagrams clean and avoids overwhelming them with text.

Step ❶

Click the Option icon to open the settings display in the lower right-side navigation pane.

display data property settings for diagram
Display data property settings for diagram

Step ❷

Select the Data Property radio button from the Manage task pane pop-up window.

manage task pane for editing diagram
Manage task pane for editing diagram

Step ❸

Click OK to save the changes. It will show the Data Property icon on the right-side navigation pane.

Step ❹

Select a diagram shape on the editing canvas.

Step ❺

Click the Data Property icon on the right-side navigation pane. Alternatively, right-click on the selected shape and choose Shape Data.

data property settings for diagram
Data property settings for diagram

Step ❻

Click Manage Data on the Data Properties panel on the right side.

data properties right panel of diagram
Data properties right panel of diagram

Step ❼

Set the information needed in the Define Shape Data pop-up window. Here, you can set various data types, including number, date, and duration for the diagram shape. Click OK to save the changes.

define shape data of the diagram
Define shape data of the diagram
To edit the data property, click the Menu icon on the property name, then select Modify.
modify shape data property for diagram