Edraw.AI User Guides

Other Settings in Diagrams

Creating diagrams is easier with helpful tools in Edraw.AI. Let's explore a few.

view other settings in diagram
View other settings in diagram

Float Button

Select the Float Button checkbox to detach the selected shape in the diagram and move it freely around the editing canvas. Once Float Button is activated (downward triangle), any existing connectors attached to the shape you move will become hidden. This is likely to prevent cluttering the canvas while repositioning the shape. Also, the connector(s) disappear because it's no longer needed when the shape is floating.

float button in a diagram
Float button in a diagram

Symbol Coordinate Value

Select the Symbol coordinate value checkbox to display the coordinates of the selected symbol within the diagram while moving it in the canvas. This can be useful for aligning symbols precisely or for creating complex diagrams.

show symbol coordinate value in diagram
Show symbol coordinate value in diagram

Show/Hide Library

This option opens the symbol library, which contains a variety of pre-made symbols that you can use in your diagram. Clear the Show Library checkbox to hide it from the left panel or if you want a larger space for the editing canvas.

hide symbol library while editing diagram
Hide symbol library while editing diagram

Data Sheet

Select the Data Sheet checkbox or use the keyboard shortcut F9 to open the datasheet view. It allows you to view and edit the data associated with the symbols in your diagram, including shape angle and connection points.

data sheet of a diagram
Data sheet of a diagram