Edraw.AI User Guides

Personal Template Library

The Personal Template Library is a powerful feature designed to keep your most-used templates organized and accessible. By saving templates you frequently use, you can streamline your workflow.

How To Manage Your Personal Template Library

It’s quicker and easier to start new projects with your preferred layouts and designs. Here’s how to manage your personal template library:

Step ❶

Log in to Edraw.AI and go to the Recent section. Here, you can explore all the recent templates created on your account.

Step ❷

To see the templates you created, click the Create by me icon. To show templates done by your team, click the Create by others option. To see all templates, choose All.

personal templates on recent
View your templates by selecting create by me, create by others, or all

Step ❸

To access your favorite templates, go to the Starred tab. This section houses all the templates you and others have favored. Click on Create by me to view your templates.

personal favorite templates
View favorite templates in starred or create by me

Step ❹

You can view your personal templates by Grid or by List by clicking the options in the top right panel. To rename your templates, click the ellipsis and choose Rename.

renaming or changing template view
View personal templates in grid or list and rename using the ellipsis

Benefits of a Personal Template Library

Here are the benefits of accessing your personal template library:

  • Quick access: Store frequently used templates in one place, making them easily accessible for any future projects.
  • Customization ready: Any saved template is ready to be tailored to your specific needs, allowing for efficient customization.