Edraw.AI User Guides

Switch Between Modes in Mind Maps

Edraw.AI offers many modes to view and work on your project. Switching between these modes allows you to focus on specific aspects, whether it’s editing the layout, refining the content, or organizing ideas.

How to Switch Between Modes

Step ❶

In the main toolbar, go to the floating panel in the top-left for switching modes.

Step ❷

Click the desired mode option to switch instantly. For example, select Outliner for a linear, text-based view. Choose MindMap to return to a visual representation of your project.

switch modes button
Switch modes button

Why Switch Modes?

By mastering mode-switching, you can tailor your workspace to suit the task at hand.

  • Outline Mode: Best for organizing content hierarchically, perfect for planning and brainstorming.
  • Mind Map Mode: Ideal for visual editing, positioning elements, and seeing your project in its full graphical layout.